Wayne E. Jackson

Senior Advisor, TW Capital Group

Wayne is a Senior Advisor at TW Capital Group. Over the past 25 years, Mr. Jackson has built an impressive resume providing transactional underwriting and analysis, financial management and advisory services for various middle market and major domestic and international entities.

While underwriting and negotiating highly structured private fixed income transactions for large institutional buyers, Mr. Jackson has invested more than $1.2 Billion in privately placed asset-backed, real estate and corporate lending transactions.

Representative transactions include:

  • the first pharmaceutical receivable asset backed transaction ($80 million)
  • the first nationally prominent fast food franchise transaction ($50 million)
  • equipment financing for silicon valley etching company ($25 million)
  • negotiated the restructure/refinancing of a $100 million commercial real estate fund

He has also provided advisory services to emerging and middle market companies. Those services include strategic planning and implementation, financial feasibility analysis, financial reporting and forecasting, capital structure analysis and sourcing and negotiation of debt funding.

  • Negotiated a $100 million warehouse facility for an emerging healthcare finance company.
  • Negotiated $15 million term loan for family owned printing facility

Prior to joining the TW Capital Group, Mr. Jackson served as Chief Financial Officer for a specialty finance company and a quasi-governmental entity charged with economic development in the District of Columbia.

He earned a Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics, Business and Administration Management and Economics from Carnegie-Mellon University and an MBA in Finance from Columbia University.